50th Anniversary Administrative Endowment
Abromson- Fleming Memorial Trust
Administrative Endowment First Financial Bank
Administrative Endowment First Merchants Bank
Albert A. and Donna Abromson Scholarship Trust
Alfred and Amy Braddock Scholarship Fund
Alpha Associate Chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa Scholarship Fund
Ann H. Goodrich Administrative Endowment
Arnold and Eugenia Beumer Scholarship Fund
Arts Place Endowment for the Arts First Financial Bank
Arts Place Endowment for the Arts First Merchants Bank
Asbury United Methodist Church Administrative Expense Fund
Asbury United Methodist Church Endowment Fund
Ashley Muhlenkamp 4-H Memorial Scholarship Fund
Audrey O. Kennedy and Mildred M. Smith Old White Oak and Hillside Cemetery Endowment
Barbara L. Garringer Jay County 4-H Clubs Endowment Fund
Barbara L. Garringer Jay County Historical Society Endowment Fund
Barbara L. Garringer Scholarship
Barry and Elizabeth Hudson Family Fund
Benneville (Ben) D. and Millie B. Stratton Antioch Cemetery Memorial Fund
Berne Ready Mix Endowment Fund
Bernice Tharp Gibble Memorial Teachers Scholarship Fund
Bertha and Ralph Green Helen and Tony Saffer Memorial Trust Fund
Betty Lavon Grace Rigby Scholarship Fund
Betty, Ona, Jean, Bill, Jack, Ken, Ina, Ila, Joyce, Earl, Jon, and Larry Study Endowment Fund
Blaine United Methodist Church Scholarship Fund
Board of Trustees Endowment Fund
Bob W. and Frances M. Leggett Endowment Fund
Bollenbacher & Associates, LLC Endowment Fund
Bonnie L. Mills Scholarship Fund
Brumfield Family Philanthropy Fund
Bryant Community Center Endowment Fund
Bryant High School Scholarship Fund
Millard J. and Mary F. (Betty) Schwartz Endowment Fund
C.W. Oehler Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carla E. Horn Memorial Scholarship Fund
Catherine M. and Donald A. Schramm Scholarship Fund
Charles and Beverly Pressler Endowment Fund
Charles and Helen Barrenbrugge Arts Place Building Fund
Charles and Helen Barrenbrugge Jay County Boys Club Building Fund
Charles and Helen Barrenbrugge Memorial General Charitable Trust Fund
Charles and Ruth Joos Scholarship Fund
Charles Baird Scholarship Trust
Charles W. Geeting Memorial Trust
Cheryl Lee Geesaman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Chris Jackson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Christine Morrow Honorary Scholarship Fund
Christopher Spradling Memorial Scholarship Fund
Chuck and Susan Huffman Fund for the West Jay Community Center
Church Women United of Jay County Scholarship Fund
Clarence O. Jelleff Scholarship Fund
Clifford and Nancy Ball Endowment Fund
Clifford and Nancy Ball Scholarship Fund
Clyde E. Geeting Memorial Trust
Community Enhancement Endowment Fund
Community Seasonal Decoration Endowment Fund
Compass Wealth Solutions Endowment Fund
Crystal R. and Patricia A. Gibson Scholarship Fund
Darla Stafford Endowment Fund FM
David A. Lyons Memorial Endowment Fund
David Brent Miller Jay County Boys and Girls Club Fund
Dean and Jennifer Inman Family Endowment Fund
Dean and Margie Jetter Family Endowment Fund
Della Elberson Scholarship Fund
Dennis and Marianne Horn Family Endowment Fund
Don E. Selvey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dorothy O'Brien Gegenheimer Odle Scholarship Fund
Doug and Lori Inman Donor Advised Fund
Doug and Lori Inman Endowment Fund
Douglas S. and Judith E. Milligan Family Fund for the Community
Dr. Ara C. and Gay B. Badders Scholarship Fund
Dr. Bob Morrison Memorial Swim Fund
Dr. Eugene Gillum Education Fund
Dr. Glade A. and Joyce H. McAfee Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. H. L. Shroyer Christian Love Scholarship Fund
Dr. Kathleen Galbraith Memorial Medical Scholarship Fund
Dr. Kyle Weaver Endowment Fund
Dunkirk Kiwanis Club Scholarship Fund
Dunkirk Scout Cabin Endowment Fund
John and Ruth (Debolt) Study Memorial Endowment Fund
Earl Cartwright Memorial Trust
Earl G., Genevra J., and Glen E. Pyle Endowment Fund
East Central Opportunities, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Edith Gaunt Memorial Scholarship Fund
Edmundson Family Endowment Fund
Edward and Orpha Zearbaugh Memorial Endowment Fund
Edward M. Haynes Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth A. Starbuck Arts Place Fund
Elizabeth A. Starbuck Endowment
Elizabeth A. Starbuck Fund for the Elderly
Elizabeth A. Starbuck Jay County Hospital Foundation Fund
Elizabeth A. Starbuck John Jay Center for Learning Fund
Elizabeth R. McCurdy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth Starbuck Jay-Randolph Developmental Services Fund
Elizabeth Starbuck Scholarship II
Ella and Irene Cunningham Scholarship Fund
Eric Bricker Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ernest and Martha Loy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ethel Marie Schumaker Thenis Memorial Scholarship Fund
Eugene M. and Jane Anne Gillum Endowment Fund
Eunice R. Pray Memorial Scholarship Fund
Eva Moore Gordon and Ernest Moore Scholarship Fund
Everett and Lisabeth Hiatt Taylor Memorial Scholarship Fund
F. Dale Jordan Scholarship Fund
F. Edward and Marcelle Young Smith Scholarship Fund
Farmers & Merchants Bank of Bryant, Indiana Scholarship Trust
Ferd and Miriam Badt Scholarship Fund
First Bank of Berne Scholarship Fund
Frank Inman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Fred Lingo Memorial Scholarship Fund
Frederic Neil & Elizabeth Ann Medler Endowment Fund
Friends of Jay County Agriculture Endowment
Friends of Jay County Agriculture Fund
Friends of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Endowment Fund
Friends of the Salamonia School and Park Endowment
Fugiett Construction Systems Scholarship Fund
Fund For a More Attractive Community Trust
Joseph T. and Marlene A. (Frahm) Suhr Memorial Fund
G. Ernest and Marguerite Hiatt Endowment Fund
Gary and Barbara Street Family Endowment Fund
Gary and Cindy Schmiesing Family Endowment Fund
Gary P. Gibson Fund for Jay County Boy Scouts
Gaunt Memorial Scholarship Fund
General Memorial Fund- First Financial Bank
General Memorial Fund- First Merchants Bank
General Unrestricted Fund First Financial Bank
General Unrestricted Fund First Merchants Bank
George and Sallie Schwartz Memorial Trust
George E. and Mildred P. Myron Memorial Scholarship Fund
Georgetta Strait Memorial Scholarship Fund
Gladys G. Hardy Scholarship Fund
Gladys Thomas Pearson Memorial Trust
Glass Museum of Dunkirk Endowment Fund
Glen and Martina Theurer Endowment Fund
Gov. I.P. Gray Alumni Scholarship Fund
Greg and Marianne Moser Family Fund
Fred M. and Elizabeth L. (Hudson) Stultz Scholarship Fund
Harold E. and Maxine E. Schutz Memorial Scholarship Fund
Haynes Starbuck Scholarship II
Helen P. Spahr Memorial Scholarship Fund
Herman C. Uhrick, Dorothy Uhrick, and Timothy Joe Uhrick Literacy Fund
Holy Trinity Catholic Church Fund
Howard C. Berry Vocational Trust Fund
Hugh N. and Sara E. Ronald Trust
Hugh N. Ronald Jr. Memorial Trust
IU Health Jay Hospital Legacy Endowment Fund
J. Arthur Williams-Orville Easterday Trust
Jack and Lois Osborne Scholarship Fund
Jack Cole Fund For Volunteers Endowment
Jack Imel Memorial Music Scholarship Fund
Jacquin S. Peterson Memorial Endowment Fund
Jake D. Muhlenkamp "Little Patriot" Endowment Fund
James and Florence Baldwin Scholarship Fund
James and Imogene Cowan Memorial Scholarship Fund
James and Marian Abromson Memorial Trust
James E. Hardy "Portland Panther" Scholarship Fund
James E. Luginbill Memorial Fund
James E. Peterson Entrepreneurial Scholarship Fund
James H. Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund
James J. and Marian F. Abromson Charitable Endowment For The Arts
James L. & Claudia A. Cull and Bill J. & Mary C. Davis Family Endowment Fund
James R. and Mary C. McCord Endowment Fund
James S. and Julie A. Forcum Endowment for the Benefit of the Jay County Humane Society
Janet B. Arnold Memorial Scholarship Fund
Janice S. Stucky Jay County Historical Society Endowment Fund
Jarrod and Annette Alexander Charitable Fund
Jay Community Center Endowment
Jay Community Center Endowment Fund
Jay County 4-H General Endowment Fund
Jay County Ag Week Endowment Fund
Jay County Boys Club Endowment
Jay County Boys Club Zelma Bailey Endowment Fund
Jay County Cancer Society Endowment Fund
Jay County Christian Academy Endowment Fund
Jay County Christian Home Builders Endowment Fund
Jay County Crippled Children and Adults Memorial Fund
Jay County Endowment for Literacy
Jay County Fair Association, Inc. Endowment Fund
Jay County Fourth of July Committee, Inc. Endowment
Jay County French Connection World Language Travel Fund
Jay County Heart Foundation Endowment Fund
Jay County High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Jay County Historical Society Fund First Financial Bank
Jay County Historical Society Fund First Merchants Bank
Jay County Historical Society Genealogy Endowment Fund
Jay County Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship Fund
Jay County Humane Society Endowment Fund
Jay County Pee Wee Football Endowment Fund
Jay County Pee Wee Football Scholarship Fund
Jay County Public Library Endowment Fund
Jay County Scout Cabin Endowment Fund
Jay County Scout Facilities, Inc. Endowment Fund
Jay Lodge #87 F&AM F. E. & Marcelle Smith Scholarship Fund
Jay-Randolph Developmental Services Ann Goodrich Endowment Fund
Jay-Randolph Developmental Services, Inc. Endowment
Jayland Rescue Mission Endowment Fund
Jeannie Habegger Scholarship Fund
Jeff and Eileen Bickel Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jerald and Julia Schwomeyer Endowment Fund
Jerry R. Pierce Memorial Endowment for the Arts
Jerry R. Pierce Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jim and Carol Hedges Family Endowment Fund
Jim and Jean Luginbill Endowment Fund
Joe Scott Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund
John and Diane Coldren Family Endowment Fund
John and Dr. Carole Brigham Fund
John and Imelda McKeown Scholarship Fund
John J. and Grace R. Jaqua Endowment Fund
John J. and Nancy S. Hawkins Memorial Fund
John Jay Center for Learning Scholarship Fund
John L. Armantrout Science Scholarship Fund
John L. Chitwood Scholarship Fund
Johnathan A. Myron Family Philanthropy Fund
Johnson Fund for the Dunkirk Community
Joseph F. Vormohr Memorial Fund
Joyce A. Horn Scholarship Fund
Juan Pablo Heart and Attitude Scholarship
Judith A. Sipe Memorial Endowment Fund
Julia Magill Starbuck Memorial Collection
Justin Valentine Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kaleb and Brittany Hemmelgarn Family Endowment Fund
Katherine Louise Timmonds Trust
Kelly and Margaret Baggs Endowment Fund
Knights of Pythias Red Cross Lodge #88 Scholarship Fund
Kris A. Rose "Wonderwoman" Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kristan Danae Corwin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bud and Florence (Limbert) Study Endowment Fund
Dr. Martha E. (Libby) Weaver Endowment Fund
Lance Corporal Andrew F. Whitacre Memorial Scholarship Fund
Larry and Maria Hiatt Endowment Fund
Larry and Maria Hiatt Family Endowment Fund
Lawrence H. and Mary Jane Calhoun Memorial Fund
Lee G. and Linda L. Hall Endowment for the Arts
Lexie Gierhart Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lilly Endowment Fund First Financial Bank
Lilly Endowment Fund First Merchants Bank
Limberlost Cemetery Association Fund
Limberlost Swamp Remembered Friends of the Limberlost Fund
Linda and Phil Frantz, Jill DeHoff and Andy Frantz Scholarship Fund
Linda L. Garringer Scholarship
Linda Ripley and Ann Goodrich Memorial Fund
Linus F. and Margaret B. Mescher Jay Community Center Endowment Fund
Linus F. and Margaret B. Mescher Scholarship Trust
Lola (Louks) Gadbury Nursing Scholarship Fund
Louis, Glenna, & Gary Stephen Scholarship Fund
Lt. Col. Jeremy and Jennifer Gulley Family Endowment Fund
Luetta J. Bowen Scholarship Fund
Lydia Naas Raunecker Charitable Trust
Richard L. Loretta E. (Larry) Zeigler Memorial Scholarship Fund
Anne E. (Myron) Hardesty Family Philanthropy Fund
Bud and June (Moser) Study Endowment Fund
M. Lee and Sharon J. Newman Scholarship Fund
Madison High School Alumni Scholarship Fund
Madonna Miller Memorial Teacher Scholarship Fund
Mahlon L. and Eva M. Houser Endowment Fund
MainSource Bank Endowment Fund
Mandy Theurer Memorial Endowment Fund
Margaret and John Hardy, Jr. Fund
Margie Nesbitt Steffy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Margo Zielinski Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mark and Marianne Valentine Family Endowment Fund
Marseal T. DeWeerd, Edith T. Horn, & Virgie M. Brady Memorial Scholarship Fund
Martha Catharine Rockwell Music Scholarship
Mary Helen North Gildersleeve Scholarship Fund
Matt Aker Memorial Scholarship Fund
Maude M. Moran Scholarship Fund
Maxwell N. Naas and Cornelia S. Naas Boys Club Community Center Building Fund
Maxwell N. Naas and Cornelia S. Naas Charitable Trust
Maxwell N. Naas and Cornelia S. Naas Jay County Arts Council Fund
May-Denney Endowment Fund in memory of Hendrick, Harrison, and Hadlee Neargarder
Mel & Evelyn Hanlin - Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Fund
Melissa D. "Missy"" Lee Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mellissa M. Hall Memorial Scholarship Fund
Meridian Health Services, Inc. Endowment Fund
Meshberger Brothers Stone Corporation Fund
Meshberger Brothers Stone Corporation Scholarship Endowment
Michael A. Alig Jay County FFA Memorial Scholarship Fund
Michelle E. Bruggeman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mike Walters Student/Athlete Scholarship Fund
Morton S. Hawkins Community Trust
Museum of the Soldier Endowment Fund
Myron Freeman Endowment for Jay County Boy Scouts
N.G. "Mac" and Mary McLaughlin Memorial Fund
Naas Family Charitable Foundation Trust
National Center for Great Lakes Native American Culture, Inc. Endowment Fund
Not Just Humans Endowment Fund
Orla L. & Ruth E. Tharp Educational Fund
Paul B. and Ruth Schumaker Shimp Scholarship Fund
Paul L. Minnich Scholarship Fund
Pay It Forward Scholarship Fund
Peggy Glentzer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Pennville Church of Christ Scholarship Fund
Pennville Community Center Endowment Fund
Phil and Linda Frantz Family Endowment Fund
Phyllis M. Badders Williams Endowment
Portland Evening Optimist Club Fund
Portland Lions Club Scholarship Fund
Portland Monthly Meeting of Friends Endowment Fund
Portland Morning Optimist Club Fund
Portland Rotary Foundation Endowment Fund
Portland Vocational Women's Club Scholarship Fund
Pregnancy Care Center of Jay County Endowment Fund
Price/Williamson/Getz Family Endowment Fund
Ralph & Bertha Green - Tony & Helen Saffer Fund for Elderly
Ralph Denver Stroud and Helen Stroud Endowment Fund
Randy O. Poole Memorial Scholarship Trust
Ray and Mary Gabbard Pleasant Hill Cemetery Trust
Ray and Roger McKinley Memorial Fund
Ray and Samaria J. McKinley Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ray C. and Patricia S. McKinley Fund
Raymond an Vesta Juillerat Memorial Fund
Raymond and Mary L. Shreeve Scholarship Fund
Reg and Nelle Hampson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Rex and Carolyn Journay Family Endowment Fund
Rich and Carolyn Carducci Family Endowment Fund
Richard A. Taylor, M.D. Memorial Fund
Richard L. "Chuck" and Susan E. Huffman Family Endowment Fund for Jay County
Rob and Lexie Penrod Family Endowment Fund
Rob and Mindy Weaver Endowment Fund
Robert and Helen Brown McCreery Scholarship Fund
Robert and Kathleen Cue Endowment Fund
Robert C. and Joyce A. Lyons Endowment Fund
Robert M. and Frances O. Gillespie Educational Trust
Robert M. and Ruth I. Miller Scholarship Fund
Robert M. Anderson Scholarship Trust
Robert Quadrozzi Memorial Scholarship Fund
Roberta Kay Beard Memorial Scholarship Fund
Roger and Bev Inman Endowment Fund
Ron and Lonette Freeman Family Endowment Fund
Russell and Mary Jane Figert Scholarship Fund
Russell H. Ashton, Ruth L. Ashton and Richard W. Ashton Memorial Trust Fund First Merchants Bank
Russell H. Ashton, Ruth L. Ashton, and Richard W. Ashton memorial Trust Fund First Financial Bank
Rusty and Elizabeth Inman Donor Advised Fund
Rusty and Elizabeth Inman Endowment Fund
Ruth Starlin Schafer Fund to Assist Aspiring Artists
Ruth Whipple Badders Scholarship Endowment Fund
Helen M. (Spahr) Schafer Memorial Endowment for Jay-Randolph Developmental Services
J. Murl and Opal (Smith) May Memorial Fund
S. Benjamin Myron Family Philanthropy Fund
S.D.P. Manufacturing, Inc. Scholarship Fund
SDP Manufacturing, Inc. Donor Advised Fund
Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana, Inc. Fund
Seth L. Corwin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sharon Dues Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sharon S. Cooper Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sheri and Nicholas Reinhart Memorial Scholarship Fund
Shirley Franck Perseverance Scholarship Fund
St. James Lutheran Church Endowment Fund
Stephen R. Myron 4-H Supreme Achiever Scholarship Fund
Stephen R. Vore of Vore's Welding and Steel Scholarship Fund
Stephen Sain, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Steve A. Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Fund
Steve McClung Memorial Endowment Fund
Ted C. Fleming and Alma M. Fleming Endowment Fund
The Harold Rex & Kiku Hardwick - Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Fund
Thelma L. Milligan Jay County Hospital Foundation Cardiac Rehabilitation Department Fund
Thelma L. Milligan Jay County Hospital Foundation Diabetic Support Services Fund
Thelma L. Milligan Jay County Hospital Foundation Obstetrics Department Fund
Thomas M. Harriett Family Fund for the Pennville Community Gym
Tom Casey Immaculate Conception Church Children's Fund
Tom Casey J.C.C.T. Memorial Trust
Tom Hunt Endowment for the Arts
Trent and Sarah Paxson Family Endowment Fund
Tyrus Ellingwood Memorial Scholarship Fund
United Way of Jay County, Inc. Endowment Fund
Vecil Bookout Schlechty Memorial Trust
Virgil B. and Joesphine H. Thomas Memorial Fund
Virgil B. and Josephine H. Thomas Educational Fund
Elda Mae (Winger) Weaver Scholarship Fund
Warren Wyatt Wells Memorial Scholarship Fund
Wayne W. and Marguerite M. Hinkle Scholarship Fund
Weldon L. and Dorothy H. Hamma Asbury United Methodist Church Endowment Fund
Weldon L. and Dorothy H. Hamma Endowment Fund
Weldon L. and Dorothy H. Hamma Memorial Scholarship Fund
Weldon L. and Dorothy H. Hamma Scholarship Fund
West Jay Community Center Endowment Fund
West Jay Community Center Endowment Fund
West Jay Community Center Non-Permanent Fund
Willard E. and Betty L. Gaunt Endowment for the West Jay Community Center
William and Ruby Hudson Endowment
William R. Sudhoff Memorial Scholarship Fund
William, Helen, and Gary Fifer Cornerstone Baptist Church Endowment Fund
William, Helen, and Gary Fifer Endowment Fund
Youth for Christ Endowment Fund
Youth Service Bureau of Jay County, Inc. Endowment Fund
Zachary Allen Wolford 4-H Memorial Scholarship Fund