admin, Wednesday 09 September 2015 - 12:37:00
Friends of Jay County Agriculture
The purpose of the Friends of Jay County Agriculture Endowment is to provide annual funding solely for the benefit of the Jay County Agricultural Community. This might include, but would not be limited to, the following:
- Promoting Jay County Agriculture.
- Assisting in finding avenues of “seed money” for new Ag development.
- Continuing financial support of Jay County 4-H, Jay County High School FFA programs, and other educational efforts.
- Providing financial assistance for higher educational opportunities for those connected with Jay County Agriculture.
- Providing financial assistance to grantees so as to be flexible to the changing face of Jay County Agriculture for generations to come.
Why should you want to be involved?
For the love of the land! If you have agriculture in your blood, and you care about this community - this is for you!
Your gift to this fund could help supply annual funding for projects developed by the Jay County agricultural community through The Portland Foundation’s grant process. To download this year's grant application
click here.Think of a list of possible projects such as...
- Developing a complete GPS system to make precision Ag farming available to all areas of Jay County.
- Providing a scholarship for higher education opportunities such as The Executive Program for Agricultural Producers (TEPAP) at Texas A&M University.
- Promoting the “good neighbor” philosophy between the Ag and non-ag sectors of our community.
- Encouraging the “Thinking Green” philosophy in our county by striving to be a leader in the promotion of renewable and alternative fuels: wind, ethanol, biodiesel, methane gas, etc; developing a mentoring program for our young farm families; providing financial flexibility to meet the ever changing needs of our agricultural community.
The possibilities are endless!
Think of the past 10 years. . .
How much will the face of agriculture change in the next decade?
Your gift would help innovative projects develop and adapt to the future needs of the Jay County agricultural community. With this type of leadership and foresight, our county may reach an important goal for generations to come: the realization of our own Ag young people – and others – working, living, and raising their families in Jay County.
What is the goal of this project?
The Friends of Jay County Agriculture group has set a goal of $500,000 for the initial endowment. If gifts from producers, land owners, and businesses reach this goal, a $25,000 grant distribution could be made to the Jay County Ag Community every year! Consider what is feasible for your situation and realize that no gift is too small (or too large!).
Every gift to this fund would be divided, with 90% distributed into a permanent endowment fund for future projects and 10% distributed into a current fund for immediate needs.
this content item is from The Portland Foundation
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